Embracing Digital Advancements: Transforming Pipeline Solutions
Innovation Hub
Shaping a more sustainable future for generations to come
Exploring the Depths of Innovation
Join us on a journey, where we delve into our research and development pipeline.

"Our vision extends beyond conventional pipe solutions, as we explore novel applications to address the evolving needs in storm and wastewater management. From low carbon materials to smart monitoring capabilities.
We invite the industry to join us as we push at existing boundaries and redefine what is possible in pipeline technology."
Technical Director
Fostering Innovation
Explore how we harness the power of digital technologies, leverage advanced sensor technology, and embrace new ways of working to create uncomplicated solutions for complex challenges.
Research | Development | Innovation
Nuha Alam | Engineering Placement Student

Digital Innovation
ilCE Award 2023 | SmartSense
The iICE award, modelled after the DNV-OS-F101 offshore standard, acknowledges innovative ideas for enhancing efficiency and cutting costs in the pipeline sector. Awarded biannually, it stands as the industry’s first recognition for conceptual innovations rather than established technologies. SmartSense Webinar | Aquaspira
Latest Publication – Fibre optic sensing of Pipe Deformation
Our latest research paper in the Journal “Sensors” describes a new approach for the monitoring of buried pipeline strain and deformation using embedded fibre-optic sensing. The Application of High-Resolution, Embedded Fibre Optic (FO) Sensing for Large-Diameter Composite Steel/Plastic Pipeline Performance under Dynamic Transport Loads. Sensors. 2024; 24(4):1298 – https://doi.org/10.3390/s24041298
Innovation Award 2022 | The Pipeline Guild
Our work was recognised with the Innovation Award by The Pipeline Industrial Guild in 2022. Aquaspira Wins the Innovation Award at the 2022 Pipeline Industries Guild | Aquaspira
Material Testing Laboratory
Aquaspira has established an advanced internal material testing laboratory with support from an Innovate UK grant. Aquaspira Launches Cutting-Edge Material Testing Laboratory, Elevating Innovation in Pipe Manufacturing | Aquaspira
Innovations Driving Sustainability
Exploring Aquaspira’s Initiatives in Carbon Reduction
SmartSense Program Pushes the Boundaries | The Carbon Cost of Our Buried Infrastructure Paper
Our “SmartSense” research program, generously funded by Innovate UK. Aquaspira is pioneering 100% recycled Steel Reinforced High-Density Polyethylene (SRHDPE) pipes embedded with sensing technology. This advancement not only optimises installation processes but also lays the foundation for autonomous monitoring of asset condition and performance. To read the full paper – The Carbon Cost of Our Buried Infrastructure: Is It Out of Site and Out of Mind? | Aquaspira
Carbon reduction through the next generation of drainage systems for the Rail Industry
Network Rail announced in April 2024 that £2.8bn had been allocated in CP7 to improve resilience of assets to extreme weather events. In this article our MD Neil Wallace looks at the importance of the digital and carbon reduction – Next Generation of Drainage Solutions | Aquaspira
Global Collaboration: Addressing the Climate Challenge with University of Birmingham
In collaboration with University of Birmingham – Involving nearly 100 contributors from five continents, including staff and students. This report tackles various climate change issues and showcases the global impact of academic leadership in addressing this pressing challenge – Addressing the Climate Challenge | Aquaspira

Empowering Tomorrow's Innovators
Collaborating Across Generations for Sustainable Solutions
Innovate UK: Collaborating with the University of Birmingham's experts and the National Buried Infrastructure Facility
A 9-month research programme that has the potential to make a significant step-change in helping the construction sector achieve Government decarbonisation targets.
Read more about our collaboration with University of Birmingham and NBIF – Low carbon smart pipes – University of Birmingham | Aquaspira
Engaging with aspiring engineering talents with students from various engineering disciplines
Michal, Emma, and Nuha have completed engineering placements with Aquaspira over the years, contributing to the development of a variety of innovative solutions and outcomes. To explore their projects and experiences at Aquaspira –
Emma Kirby, Engineering Intern | Aquaspira
Michal Brzostek: A Perspective from an Engineering Intern | Aquaspira
Driving Innovation through Strategic Partnerships: The Aquaspira KTP Project in collaboration with Cardiff University
Our collaboration with Cardiff University through the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project exemplifies our commitment to innovation. By embedding a numerical design tool into Aquaspira, we leverage academic expertise to drive advancements in our composite pipe technology. This partnership not only enhances our product development but also underscores our dedication to fostering knowledge exchange and pushing the boundaries of sustainable infrastructure solutions.