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Frequently Asked Questions

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Can Aquaspira Pipes be connected to existing concrete pipes?

Yes, the method for doing this is to butt the spigot end of the Aquaspira pipe up to the end of the concrete pipe and make the joint with a proprietary flexible coupling. Bushes may be required to increase the OD of the Aquaspira spigot to enable the flexible coupling to be fitted.

Are Aquaspira Pipes protected from Ultraviolet?

Yes, pipes are protected from UV, even for applications where elements of the pipe may be permanently exposed to daylight. The polymer contains carbon black which protects it from UV degradation.

What is the working pressure of the Push Fit Joints?

All Push Fit Joints are tested to BS EN 13259;2020 where they must achieve 0.5 bar. Some pipe systems can be adapted to 1 bar pressure, please ask sales for information if required.

What are the short-term and long-term stiffness values for Aquaspira Pipes?

Please refer to the Aquaspira Technical Manual (Page 5 Table 1 )

Are Aquaspira pipes approved for Section 104 Adoption Agreements?

Yes. However, all of the UK Water Companies have slightly different procedures, and most tend to assess schemes on a project by project basis. Some also apply charges for amendments after applications have been submitted so we would recommend that Aquaspira pipes are specified on the original drawings.

How do you form a radius with Aquaspira Pipes?

The pipe barrel cannot be curved, therefore the radius must be formed by pulling individual pipe joints, but Aquaspira recommends that pipes are laid in a straight line only and a pre-fabricated bend used where a change in direction is required.
Please note the maximum angle that can be formed at each joint varies according to the diameter of the pipe – for details please see the Aquaspira Pipe Radius Data Sheet. If a particularly tight radius is required, this can be achieved by the use of shorter pipe lengths (minimum 0.5m).

Do Aquaspira produce Tank Manifolds, Bends, and other fittings?

Yes, a comprehensive range of very robust units are available – please refer to the Aquaspira Technical Manual Section 4. Product Range.

Can pipes be surrounded with cement grout?

Yes, but care must be taken when using grouts at high temperatures. Though the steel reinforcement ensures that the circular structure of the pipe is retained at high temperatures it is best to check with the Aquaspira technical team before using high temperature curing grouts.

Can pipes be installed into concrete surround?

In accordance with Section A.13 of BS 9295:2020 concrete surround can be used. If the results of a structural calculation show that additional measures are required this could take the form of full concrete surround or a concrete protection slab.

Further information can be found in Section 7.5 and 7.6 in the Aquaspira Technical manual and Section 12.2 in the Site Handbook.

How do you connect Gully Pipes or other Lateral Connections into Aquaspira pipes?

Aquaspira Lateral Connectors enable quick and simple connections. For further information please refer to Section 10 in the Aquaspira Site Handbook and Section 4.4.6 in the Technical Manual.

What is the Design Life?

120+ Years. For further information please refer to Section 6.2 in the Aquaspira Technical Manual.

What is the hydraulic roughness value (KS) for Aquaspira Pipe?

0.03mm. For further information please refer to Section 6.5 in the Aquaspira Technical Manual.

Are Rocker/Short Pipes required?

Rocker/Short Pipes are not required, however, some clients may specify short pipes for connecting into particular rigid structures. Further information can be found in Section 7.7 of the Aquaspira Technical Manual or Section 15 in the Site Handbook.

What is the recommended Bedding and Backfill detail and material?

Bedding and Backfill details may vary by scheme, but Aquaspira normally follow the guidelines set out in BS 9295:2020. Further information can be found in Section 7 of the Aquaspira Technical Manual and Section 11 of the Site Handbook.

How do you build Aquaspira Pipes into concrete manholes?

Information can be found in Sections 4.4.5 and 7.7 in the Aquaspira Technical Manual and Sections 14 and 15 in the Site Handbook.

What is the minimum cover depth over an Aquaspira Pipe?

Aquaspira follow the guidelines set out in BS 9295:2020.

900mm for general trafficed areas (roads, car parks etc.).

1200mm for new adoptable roads (typically new housing developments).

Where the above cannot be achieved a concrete protection slab may be required. Please refer to Section 7.5 in the Aquaspira Technical Manual and Section 12.2 in the Site Handbook.

How do you provide protection to pipes with less than 900mm cover?

Please refer to Section 7.5 in the Aquaspira Technical Manual

What is the cover required to prevent flotation?

Please refer to Section 7.4 in the Aquaspira Technical Manual or Section 12.1 in the Site Handbook.

What is your recommendation for sites with poor ground conditions?

Always undertake Structural Calculations to ensure compliance with maximum deflection tolerance with the appropriate approval authority. For further information please contact our technical department. Aquaspira can provide detailed structural calculations upon request.

Typical methods for improving structural performance in poor ground conditions are:

• Increase trench width and width of stone surround
• Line the trench bottom and sides with a suitable geotextile material.

For further information – see BS 9295:2020 Section A.10.

Are Puddle Flanges required when building pipes into concrete structures?

No, the external steel reinforced ribs provide an excellent structure for concrete to key into. The ribs also provide a water bar.

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